VIDEOS: scroll down!
the next consequence releases will be done as MoogulatoR!

CURRENT VIDEO EXERPTS HERE (klick on "Ausschnitt" (means exerpt of current consequence animation))

note: the current live gig is very break/nu-beat oriented stuff , like the studio album GedankenRauschen.. but lots of beat in it!! not yet recorded.. (every concert is different, so maybe sometimes there is time to record one gig..)

consequence live Video
(AVI,3.4MB gig 2002/june,6 with fm einheit and m.rother,air liquide) here
(sounds a bit distorted and is simply not good quality.. but have a look!)
more PICTURES of that gig..
  • Video 1 watch (6MB,Quicktime) video excerpts & impression of the abstract ambient tour 2001
  • ambient stuff2001 cont'd Video AVI-Format: watch

    ConseQuence with other Elektroheadz
    with Aliens Project Pattysplanet Programmierte Welten Imaginary Landscape

ConseQuence@Moog -
TV: HR3 television (germany) - 23:15 - 10.02.2003
the Elektro Kartell and ConseQuence & another show later next monday feat. consequence

there will be another show feat.: conseQuence